Wednesday 13 August 2014

rule your world

There are people all over the world who have made history as they ruled their world.The world can never forget them as they left a lasting legacy the world will never forget .People like martin luther king , albert einstein charles bavbbage adolf hitler and so on made impact in their tine and this is your time but you need to make an impact in your generaion as the world will always remember you even while you are gone but you have to pay the price so that when you are gone your legacy will not be wiped out as you will be remembered for what you have done either good or bad as there are world changers.People who shook the world in their lifetime as they can never be forgotten in their lifetime.You must believe in yourself and you must pay the price so that you can rule your world.You must believe in God as you must never neglect him in all areas of your life because he is the pillar of your success.You must persist and also you must work hard to realize your dreams.You must aim not to be a spectator in the field of life as the world is waiting for our manifestation.

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